Neon        Min Maung Maung

A Front-End Developer who
Create Optimize Debug Explore stuff

Hey there!
Hey, I'm Min Maung Maung aka Neon, a Front-end Developer currently based in Myanmar.

Quick Math Skills I'm fun to work with!
Did you know that ∫ (e^x * cos(x)) / (e^x + e^(-x)) dx simplifies to just 1? No? Yeah. Me neither!

Precision is my obsession
Oh, is that image off by two pixels? Not on my watch! All mockup and ui designs shall match pixel by pixel!

The Tech Voyager!
I'm always up for an adventure in the digital world. I adapt to new technologies quickly and embrace the ever-changing landscape!

Animated icon of math symbols popping out of a book
Animated icon of an arrow hitting a target
Animated icon of an astronaut wandering in space
Profile Picture of Min Maung Maung aka Neon
An image of Lan Kyone App, Route Panel
An image of BetterCast webapp, landing schedule page
An image of one of appvantage asia projects, auto finance calculator
An image of one of Project M series apps, weather forecast
An image of one of legacy apps, quick clicker
Profile Picture of Benjamin Powell
It has been a real pleasure working with Neon, He was an amazing addition to the team and brought to the role a dedication and talent that far exceeds expectations.

I can not recommend him highly enough to any role that he is considered for and I believe he is an asset to any project.
Benjamin Powell
CEO, BetterCast
Profile Picture of Hunter Williams
Neon is the sort of person any dev team would be happy to have. He gives feedback on issues and participates in discussions. He delivers quality code and when it can be improved he takes feedback with a smile. This feedback is immediately results in better code for that issue and continues to use it on other issues. I'm quite happy to have had him on the team.

His time with BetterCast was only limited by the company itself having to close and not once was he ever seen on any chopping block. I would be happy to work with him or recommend anyone to work with him in the future.
Hunter Williams
CTO, BetterCast
Profile Picture of Zaw Kyi Han Htoo
I've know Min since 2019. Min was a great professional to work with. He has exhibited consistency in his ability to remain comitted and focused. I recommend Min highly and look forward to working together in future.
Zaw Kyi Han Htoo
General Manager, Appvantage Asia
Profile Picture of Sarada Lakshmi
During his tenure with Appvantage Asia Pte Ltd, he exhibited strong technical skills. Troubleshooting skills are exceptional. He demonstrated professionalism, unwavering dedication, and commitment to his work.

In addition, his hardworking and steady style had motivated other team members in meeting stringent deadlines and targets. He was a very good team player and always open to feedback. Possesses exceptional ability to learn new technologies quickly and successfully.

During his service, he had been found very sincere, reliable, trustworthy, sociable, and pleasant. Many of our staff members were pleased to work with him as a team. He will be a great asset wherever he belongs.
Sarada Lakshmi
Project Manager, Appvantage Asia
Profile Picture of Clara Chong
In my professional experience as a UX Designer and Researcher, I've worked alongside numerous developers and rarely would you find someone as efficient, bright and sharp at such a young age.

While working together on a tight deadline for a large-scale digital transformation project, he was able to fully understand my design requirements and translate them into web applications swiftly with little to no hiccups. He ensured that every corner case and edge scenario was accounted for in his code and when we tested it out, it was bug-free. When there was a scope creep, he would roll up his sleeves to get the code done in no time.

Furthermore, Min continues to elevate his developer competency through his voracious appetite for learning new technologies. I have no doubt that he will be an asset to any company he's joining next.
Clara Chong
UI/UX Designer, Appvantage Asia
Profile Picture of Waing La Min Lwin
Min is the kind of developer you'd love to work together, whether the business is a startup or a big corporation. His talent, passion, and creativity are what made him stand out as an outstanding talent. His creativity is what enabled us to develop an application that offers a fun and refreshing experience for end-users.

Min is also a person who thinks differently. He would bring unforeseen perspectives to the table, allowing us to develop our products with a broader range of considerations for users eventually resulting in products with better and more unique qualities.

I've seen him learning continuously and performing diligently at a top level for years, so I think he'll be a great talent for whatever company he's working in or joining next.
Waing La Min Lwin
Co-Founder, InnovatoryMM
Profile Picture of Woody

(Disclaimer: Due to intense language barrier, I am not able to translate his expression of words, but I believe he is saying something good about me)
Personal Supervisor, Home
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Seems something went wrong while trying to reach out. Must be those pesky ducks again!